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Time for Russians Players to decide


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Speaking as someone who's background is half-Ukrainian, and has (very) extended family and friends over there, I don't believe Festivus is advocating for apathy. There needs to be a lot of understanding that this has been a hell-ish couple of years for a lot of people, and it just seems to keep getting worse - having an outlet like Capwise that's free of everything else happening in the world may be really important to a lot of people. There are definitely more appropriate platforms to be angry on or have more in-depth conversations, but I also don't think we need to close off a conversation from happening here. There's just no need to make it personal while not knowing what else is going on in someone's life.


My piece? We do need to be angry, and we do need to be active. Many, many Russians are as well - thousands upon thousands have been risking being arrested, having their livelihoods ruined, and even their very lives in protesting the invasion. Yes, I wish they'd be able to go further and dispose of Putin, but there's a reason why he's maintained his totalitarian power for the last 22 years. This guy has been consolidating his power, has had no problem authorizing assassinations left and right, and has been building his influence globally. Many of these hockey families have very close ties to him, so while it's easy to suggest Ovechkin should speak out and take a hard stance, he'd straight-up be risking the lives of his loved ones. Would any of us be ready to risk our parents, significant others, families, etc. to do so?


I feel angry for everyone involved, as while the Ukrainians are paying the price right now, everyday Russians and hundreds of millions of others are going to suffer by proxy for one man's vanity for decades to come. 


Mod note: I'll keep this thread open for now, but if this gets heated I'm shutting it down.

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Keeping it to Hockey. As the conflict becomes more brutal and produces images that create even more anger than we see now, will it be safe for Russians/Belarusians to play in any North American venue unless they have taken a stand against Putin? I feel for these players. They should never be put in this situation. And with social media's way of spreading hate, I hope we (the fans) take the high road. 


All these players are so exposed. I have no idea how bad it is in Moscow or the rest of Russia. But if they don't want to say anything, they might have to stop playing.

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